Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

'Matters Transfers for March 23, 1050 Deeds Everett C. Woods, Admr. of to Frank StefaneUi. Jamestown $5,000. Albcrteen Llnquest by Ref.

to Public Welfare Com'r of Jamestown $1,800. Eva McCallum etc. to Curtiss H. Taber 1. Jamestown $1.00.

Dominica Tabone to "Leo Rl- cotla. Dunkirk $1.00. Felix Czekanski 1 to Esther C. Sholtys. Dunkirk $1 m.

John Braclszewskl 1 to Richard F. Braclszewski 1, Dunkirk $1. m. Stanley J. WisniewskI 1 to Dunkirk $1.

m. Josephine McGraw to William P. McGraw, Bust! $1.00. Glenn N. Peters to Glenn N.

Peters m. Belie H. Kesby, Eilery $1.00. Ernest F. Seavey 1 to 1, Chautauqua $1.

L. Newberry to Lucille James W. Cave, Portland $1 m. Anthony Jakubowskl fc 1 to John Schultz, Pomfret $1 m. I A Empire State Mutual Life Ins.

Co. to Louis Bruno 1. Empire Slate Mutual Life Ins. CO. to Myrtle M.

Andruss. Thure N. Faserstrom to Harvey A. Meier 1. Prudential Ins.

Co. to Georgia O. Morrison 1. John A. Swanson to William M.

Loucks 1. Union Trust Co. to Arthur M. Bullock 1. Vandervort Warner to Ethel C.

Oils. Vandervort Warner to Grace M. Tracy. Vandervort Warner to Harold C. Tracy 1.

Assignment of Mortgages Home Owners Loan Corp. to Niagara Permanent Savings Loan Assoc. Niagara Permanent S. L. Assoc.

to William C. Obcrg 1. Union Trust Co. of Jamestown to Equitable Lite Assurance Society. Release of Morljase Philip H.

Mahoney to Louis Bruno 1, Jamestown $1 m. Will Clara James J. Prcndergast. Prcndergast to Assignment of Lease Clyde H. Walle ct al to John Martina F.

Dalrymplc to Robert C. Raynor 1, Wcstficld $1 m. Marshall J. Everts 1 to Martina F. Dalrynvplc, Westfield $1.

m. Mortgages Graydon A. Seely 1 to Harold M. Hazzard, Jamestown $5,700. Frank StefanelH to Bank of Jamestown.

Jamestown $3.200. Emmet C. K. Eckman 1 to Godfrey R. Abersoll.

Lakewood S4.000. J. Small 1 to Silver Creek S. L. Hanover S5.000.

Robert C. Raynor 1 to Al- A. House. $2. Judgment Emory Rose vs Max Huff, 300.

a i a F. to Da- vH H. Dalrymplc, S500. Paul L. Rubner 1 to A.

Roy Perkins, N. Harmony $1,000. Discharge of Mortgages Dunkirk Sav. Loan Assoc. to Dominica TVibone.

N'af! Chaut. Co. Bank Graydon A. Secly 1. Gertrude Blavney to Frank Armbruster 1.

James W. Cave to Ernest 1. Charles W. Cale to Everett Wood. Mvrtle Scoflc-ld to Arthur Winter 1.

Chaut. Co. Public Welfare Com'r of to Dominica Tabone. Assignment of Mortgages John LaBarbera 1 to' Fred Landy. Release of Mortgages Dunkirk Savings Loan Assoc.

to Stanley J. Wisnie'wskl 1. Dunkirk $1 m. Death Certificate Of "George Henry Dalrymple. Transcripts of Judgment Dr.

Walter G. Hayward. 319 Pins Jamestown. N. Y.

vs Adolph Woodard. Nlobc, N. Y. Justice Court. $213.25.

Ai'lcd Building Credits 922 Rand Building. Buffalo, New York vs Floyd Howard and Ellen Howard. R. D. No.

3, Stockton Road, Predonia. New York Suorerne Court Erie County $234.74. Judgments Daniel Moser whose residence address Is 229 King Dunkirk. vs Robert A. Quandt, 74 King Dunkirk, N.

Supreme Court $119.80. Order Changing Name --Of Chester (Czeslaw) Or- ganiEciak to Chester Organ Assumed Names Of Mickey's Ice Cream Bar by Michael Destro. Allen Jamestown, N. Y. Of the Couauctte by Evelyn Morley.

105 Hickory. Falconer. N. Y. Discontinuance of Assumed Name Of Morley's Beauty Shop by Evelyn Morley.

105 Hickory Falconer, Y. County Court Dismissal, Forest- villc. N. Crock Road, $81.31 costs, Forestvllle, N. Y.

Certificate of Discontinuance Of Assumed Name --Of Lake View Restaurant by Jessie E. Salamonc as executrix of Leonard C. Salamone. --Of Mission Distributors by Sylvester Mauro 1. --Of Mauro Pellerito by Sylvester Mauro 1, et al.

Certificate of Discontinuance Of Partnership Certificate --Of Mission Distributors by Sylvester Mauro 1. Certificates of Assumed Names --Of Lake View Restaurant by Leonard C. Salamone Ex. of, 54 Washington Westfleld, N.YJ --Of Lincoln Inn by Joseph N. Kliui.

Urban R. D. No. 1, Dunkirk, N. Ernest E.

Ra- falske 185 '19th Norl.h Tonawanda, N. Y. SPUDS GET THE BLUES--At Cohodon, N. workmen nl a fjovcrnmcnt stoniRc plnnl spray a freight of potatoes with dye of "tnxpnycr blue" color The surplus spuds, boufiht by the u. t.

to Jtccp prices up, arc died blue to prevent their beinc used prevent their being used for commercial purposes. (CBS) Hull Show (CBS) Futfl'tlvcs Review, with Chuck Healy Forecast --Buy or Sell with Classifieds. Unless atomic energy can be effectively controlled, our civilization may prove to be as fissionable as uranium itself. --Philip Noel-Baker, M.P., British secretary of state for commonwealth rclatlojas UNNY BUSINESS CHILDKEN URGED TO WALK, NOV'RUN, ACROSS STREET Lincoln, Neb. (UP)--Mothers should teach children to walk, never run, across the street.

That is' the belief of Charles Armstrong, Omaha safety engineer. 1 They won't be hit If they walk," he explained. "If they walk In front of an automobile, the car will have a chance to stop." Anderson views with alarm the mothers who teach their youngsters to look bath ways and then run as fast as they can across the street. "Eventually they forget to look both ways, then dart out from between cars and are hit," he said. FIRE BUFFS SQUELCHED Deland, Fla.

(UP) Volunteer firemen who break traffic laws speeding to help put out a blaze will have to.foot the fines themselves. W. D. LeVcille, city manager, instructed volunteers to comply with traffic regulations like any other drivers. Nyasaland, has sent an 18-Inch chameleon to London Zoo.

tation WFCB 1 4 1 0 Kilocycles MONDAY Eve. 0:00 News 6:15 Sports 0:30 Accent on Melody' Goto Glee Club 7:00 Buddy Doino Show 7:15 Tony Russo 7:30 Protestant Council 8:00 PSTC What Is College Like 8:15 Tin Pan Alley 8:30 Modern Concert Hall 9:00 Meet the Band 9:30 Salon Serenade 10:00 News 10:15 Treasure Chest 10:30 Concert Master 11:00 News 11:05 Sports 11:10 Cloud 8 11:55 News TUESDAY A.M. 6:00 News and Pep Club 7:45 Four Knights 7:30 Morning Devotions Pep Club, News. Sports. 9:05 Band Box 10:00 Calling All Ladles National Flag Answer to Providus Puzzle Television WHEN, TV-Channel 4 Monday, March 27 Showcase, preview Exchange (CBS) Guide Showcase Splinters (NBC) Doody, puppet show with Bob Smith (NBC) Jim, Wesern film Series (NBC) QuLnlan's Showroom, songs (NBC) Spotlight with Chuck Hcaly Fran Puppet show (NBC) of the World, INS Ncwsreel Caravan (NBC) drama (NBC) Barlow's Orch.

(NBC) Out, mystery show--Jack LaRuc, narrator (NBC) Said That? Quiz with Robert Trout (NBC) One, drama tWWW 1 "Tho acrobatic team forgot thoir rubbers HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted is the flag of 0 Rabbit .13 Feelings 14 Fish sauce 15 Rot flax by IGClnn emblem 18 Greek letter Boy's nickname 20 Mburns 22 Men sure of nrcn 23 Hip 25 One in Sicily 28 Rod 29 Symbol for tin 30 Italian river 31 To (prefix) 32 Bone 33 Two'together 35 Appear 38 Curved molding 30 Domestic slave 10 Gill (nb.) 41 Persian rulers 47 Abraham's home (Bib.) i 48 Eggs 50 Florida city 51 Mineral rock 52 Canvas shelter 54 Aniino acids 56 Continent 57 Calmest VERTICAL 1 Ointment 2 Egg dish 3 Plol of ground I OX" IRISH SETTER A 4 Ear (comb, form) 5 Small object GSpar "Preposition 8 Bewildered 0 Laughter sound 10 Malt beverage 11 Sell in small lots 33 Its capital is 45 Love god 12 Card game 4G Heap 17 Manganese 34 Pointed arches 49 Blackbird "of (symbol) 36 Accustoms Al 20 Ramifications 37 Simplest 21 Assumes 42 Forenoon 24 Having (nb.) handles 43 Tills 2( Loops of rope 44 Unusual cuckoo familj 51 United 53 Tantalum (symbol) 55 It is South Americ MO 20 5J Hi 50 51, 5V 50 f) M5 55 12 PRISCILLA'S POP- By Al Vermeer Time 'Fables Transfers for March 22, 1950 Deeds Arthur M. Bullock 1 to Rob- rrt D. Franklin 1, Jamestown Effective March 13, 1950 (Eastern Standard Time) NEW YORK CENTRAL Eastbound 5:35 a.m.; 6:34 Sl.OO. Fiorinda Swanson Klnsel Carl O. Ellison 1.

Jamestown Sl.OO. Minnie F. Mahoney to Louis Bruno 1. Jamestown SI m. Jennie B.

-Baker to Clarence W. Webeck 1, Jamestown $1 m. Jacob H. Porsley to Hugh C. Scott 1, Elllcott $1 m.

Fred B. Strunk 1 to Fred B. Strunk 1, Ellicott $1.00. Frank M. Sherwln 1 to Bertha S.

Sherwin, Elllcott $1.00. Harold C. Tracy co Grace M. Tracy. Portland $1.00.

Forest J. Hopes to Everett G. Bentley, Ripley $1 m. Mortgages Leora A. Loucks 1 to Nat'l Chaut.

Co Bank. Jamestown Harvey A. Meier 1 to Carl O. Rose, Jamestown $4,000.00. Clarence W.

Webeck 1 to Guy M. Trantum, Jamestown $2.400.90. Louis Bruno 1 to Nat'l Chaut. Co. Bank, Jamestown S3.500.00.

Robert D. Franklin 1 to Union -Trust Co. Jamestown, Jamestown $1,100.00. Robert D. Franklin 1 to Union Trust Co.

Jamestown, Jamestown $4.100.00. Hugh C. Scott 1 to First Nat'! Bank Falconer, Falconer Leroy M. Stafford 1 to Mln- nls Wasmund, Silver Creek $550.00. Dominlck R.

Serra to National Worsted Mills Kiantonc si. loo.oo ECiei C. Otis et al to Union Trust Co. Jamestown. Portland S3.000.0.0 Discharges Silver Creek Nat'l bank Theodore W.

Stebbins 1. a.m.; 7:38 a.m.; 10:56 a.m.; 12:20 p.m.; (Empire State); 3:55 p.m.; 0:05 p.m.; 9.38 p.m.; 10:14 p.m. Westbound 6:05 a.m.; 8:33 a.m.: 2:05 p.m.: 5:46 p.m. (Empire State); 9:04 p.m. NICKEL PLATE Eastbound-- 11:54 a.m., ru stop daily.

vVestbuimd 8:20 p.m., provisional stop leavo passengers from Buffalo and east; pick up passengers Cleveland a regular stop on Sundays and holidays cancelled. ALL AMERICAN AIRWAYS Effective Jan. 23, 1950 p. m. p.


A AS A HORSE TROUGH FOR A LITTLE SHRIMP LIKE HIM? WO WONDER. I STEPPED JM WELL, A LITTLE BITTY PAKJ ALWAYS IT THESE CUFFS HOLP A YOU WALK LIKE A KID KICKING A CAM DOWN WHY MOTHERS GET GRAY 0:10 Lullaby 0:15 Keynotes by Carle 10:45 On Parade 1:00 On Stage 1:15 Music You Like TUESDAY M. 12:00 Riders of Purple Sage 12:15 Farm and Home News 12:30 News 12:45 Musical Moments EVENING OBSERVER Dunkirk, N. Mar. 27, 1P50 13 1:00 Italian Hour 1:30 Polish Hour 2:00 Matinee Melodies 2:30 Lullaby 2:45 Drifting on a 3:00 News 3:05 Swoct Rtiylhrn 3:30 Along My Way 3:45 Rumpus Room 5:30 Interlude --If You Have Anything Tu Sell, Try An OBSERVER Ad.

RADIO PROGRAMS Nearby affiliates with the following networks are (030) WOR-WEBR (970) WJZ-WKBW (1520) WCBS-WGR i550) WNBC WOR WJZ WCBS 660 710 770 330 TONIGHT'S PROGRAM bnnchsrt Here's Morgan 8:00 8:13 8:30 0:00 0:15 0:30 1:00 1:13 1:30 1:45 2:00 Ttireo Star Kxtrn LIRht up News of Uio world Mel Brandt II. V. KaltenMru Gordon Mno Chorus U. UArlow Orcn. A Cucit Vocatlflt Donald Vooheea And OrcfteBtrn Cltleii Sfrvlci Unnd NlRhlbeat; Analfin- ment New.

Mlndy Caraon l)avc Garroway New, Van On The Century News, V'Deventei Stan Fulton Lewu. Jr. The Answer Man Gabriel- lleatter Dill LanR B-Iinr-B Atralra or P. Salem; MurJer by Like men who dream Frank l-Mwftrds CnllltiK all 1ct'ttvei Hymplionette: Mtsii el Plntro Newa. Van Sporm Deems Taylor Con cert Newfl.

sporti Art UnJier Herb Sheldon Show licadllno Edition Kimcr DAVIS The Lone Ranser Ethel Albert Khow Henry J. 1'aylor Unddy Werd Ttlo Knlph Norman's Orchestra airicily from Dlxlr Ted Joa Kranklln'i Hhop News 4 Muslo I Nowa ajid NVws. Sevartwi Curt Lowell Club 10 Edw. Miirro Star News TUESDAY, MARCH 28 10:00 10:15 WNBC Zs'ewa. Dob Smltb Show Hi Jinx.

Ncwa and Interviews Normnn UroKrnaiiiro i Wclcomo Travelers Mnrrmeo Vot Dorotny DIx LXDVO irncl learn Dave Gnrritwny Show Dnvtit Hfvriim WOR Robinson Urcakfut with Dorothy and Dick Hotly Barton Tim McCAiin!) at Ilonir Ncw.i, mad atone Martliik DIJIO itomnft lliiily Vallco Hrmm WJZ News. Tho I'l Clun with Don McNcill WCBS COOK Margaret A.ra My Story Kooo I'rotraro Victor.H. Llndlnhr Grnjii Slam 6:00 6:15 0:30 SM.1 News. MrCiirttty Norman Broken- ihlro Mary M. Mary M.

Mary M. Mary U. Double or Natlitng: Walter cniidreo Ustit or World can DO beitU' Koad ol Pcppci Young RiRtU to Happtneiu Stella Dallas Lorcozv Jonci Young Wld. Browo When OlrL MtrrUi Juat Plain UHI Portia Life Front P.iRn Farrell Kuto Smith Hod tlctnlrio N'cwa, (JlaJot Lunctiton at Lunch'o at Uadlcn Fair Queen tot a Day: Jack Bailey Second Honeymoon Tho Answer Man tiabrtcl Hvatter Uartmra Welles Show Dean Cameron Straight Arrow Harmonica Man TVlc-KM-Teil iiu bc r.isiiio Tne NCWB, Huukh Nancy Craig Welcome lo Hollywood Hannibal Cobb CluD Pick a dati C. Hoover I'ait Green Hornet J.ick Armstrong A Hcieo Trect pur G.tl rius ijururc Perr Nora Tbe Sr.ssier Day Nona Hilltop Houxc CARNIVAL By Dick Turner USD CY NtA KKVICC.

INC. T. M. KCO. U.

t. PAT. I hear your father coming I suppose wants to ask what time it is again!" SIDE GLANCES-- By Galbraith "Not much like the good old days, is it. Pet? Why. it used to take your mother almost five days to get hers!".

Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.